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A Guide to Start Investment in Real Estate

A Guide to Start Investment in Real Estate

Owning and buying in Real Estate tantamount to Investing strategy. It could be both satisfying as well as lucrative. Real estate buyers can make use of leverage for buying property as they can pay some of the amount, then the remaining plus the interest over time. Though the down payments in Real Estate may vary, the traditional down payments usually require around 20 to 25 percent. In some cases you might even buy an entire property for a down payment as low as just 5 percent. Excited!! We will tell you all it takes to start Investing in Real Estate.

Let’s Talk About Some of the Smartest Ways How Investors can Make Money 

  • If you aspire to own real estate you can invest in property by using leverage. Pay a part of the total cost upfront, while you can pay the remaining with time.
  • Another primary way that can make an investor make real money in real estate is by becoming a landlord of the rental property.
  • People can also buy the undervalued real estate, fix it up and then sell it. It can make a good amount of profit for you.
  • Real Estate investment trusts (REITs) are the dividend paying stocks.

Simple Ways to Invest in Real Estate

1. Rental Properties

It is a great opportunity for the individuals who have the skills to do the renovation and patience to deal with the tenants. But the thing that needs to be considered is that you will require a substantial capital amount for the maintenance and for the months that might go vacant.

According to data the real estate values have been consistently increasing from the 1960s to 2019. They just dipped during the financial crisis. Though after the pandemic the ascent in the sales prices resumed that even surpassed pre crisis levels.

2. Real Estate Investment Groups (REIGs)

REIGs are suitable for people who want to own their real estate without worrying about the hassle of running it. It will however require capital and financing partners. They are similar to small mutual funds that help you invest in rental properties.

Multiple units can be owned by an individual investor, but the company involved in operating the investment group manages all the units collectively. In return, the company managing all the tasks takes a percentage of the monthly rent. You can receive some profit even if the unit you own is empty.

3. House Flipping

It’s for people who have significant experience in real estate valuation as well as marketing and renovation. It requires capital and does repairs if needed. Flippers usually sell the undervalued property in less than six months. They do not have enough capital to pay off the mortgage so it requires skill and a bit more experience in real estate.

They usually don’t invest their money in improving properties. Another kind of flippers is who buy the reasonably priced properties and sell them at a bit higher cost after renovating. This can be an investment for a longer period of time.

The Importance of Real Estate

We have seen that in the past there were wars fought between Kingdoms to gain and win properties. Though these Kingdoms do not exist today, the reality has not yet changed and the demand for land remains the same.

Everyone dreams of owning a home and fulfilling this dream. It’s true that it can give you emotional satisfaction and also some monetary benefits. The dearth of land in big cities and the soaring prices associated with buying it makes it hard for everyone to construct a home these days. Just investing in buying a small flat can offer you good rental income or huge profits.

But While You Invest in Real Estate there are Certain Points to be Kept in Mind

There is a possibility that one might get carried away in the hope of making lucrative gains by investing in Real Estate and eventually get the results that are counterproductive. These investments come with a certain risk factor in them. It is imperative for a novice to be mindful of certain things before investing his hard earned money.

1. Being Patient

Owning a property is an affair that takes time. Property transactions take a few days to be completed. Making haste while buying or selling a property can land you in losses. You might end up buying a property that won’t live up to your expectations. Sometimes even the seller may take time to sell off your property as the expected price could be hard to fetch. So it’s an important trait you should try to develop while you get into the real estate business.

2. Conduct Your Research

While you’re looking for a property it’s good you do some research on your own. You should have the know-how when it is about choosing the right property in which you want to invest in. Before you make an investment it is good to inquire about the past history of the builder of that property, the quality of materials used in the construction and last but not the least the location of that property.

All these factors play an important role and can determine the returns you can get on your investment.

3. Check All the Papers

Property’s paper are the most important when you think about buying one for yourself. You can get duped if you don’t have much experience about how this sector really works. So it’s always great to be proactive and verify the papers before taking possession of your property.

It’s always good to get them verified by the legal experts. You could get involved in a deal that might be controversial and involve many stakeholders. Be mindful when someone tries to sell you a property at a very nominal or below the market rate. It’s possible that there could be something fishy about that property.

4. Keep Tabs on the Market Rates

There are local governments that usually provide all the information about the ongoing market rates of the properties in a particular area. It will give you a thorough idea how the properties are priced and you will not end up paying more than what exactly is deserved to be paid for a particular property.

This will also give you an idea if the prices will go up or fall in the near future and when is the perfect time to buy or sell your real estate.

5. Decide your Budget

Decide how much is your budget and what amount you want to invest. Also be sure about your creditors and how much they can provide you as leverage. Making calculations about the interest rates and the overdue you will have to pay over time is always a smart move at the beginning to make before you invest in real estate.

Then you can see how much returns is possible to make on your investment whether it’s a good deal or may put you in a loss.

6. Negotiation

Negotiation is very important in real estate. You might get lured by the sweet talking sellers who have an extensive experience in taking out money from your pocket. Negotiations are crucial when you buy a property. Negotiating can help fetch you some freebies too, like the parking spaces and furniture.

A smart investment choice can potentially change your life. It can make your dreams come true and give you the lifestyle you would want for yourself. In recent times owning a property can be the wisest thing to do and there are myriad investment opportunities.

All you need is to be smart and have the basic know-how about how the real estate sector works. These simple solutions could prove to be a guide for you when you make your investment in the real estate sector.


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